Sunday, August 31, 2008

More Home Life.

We thought you would appreciate more pictures of the kids.

First, after eating PB&J for lunch (the J comes in a can), Trey does a little reading before heading off to nap. He pages through 'his books' until he falls asleep. He calls this book, his "tree book" for the trees on the cover. He has now moved on to fairy tales (one of Hope's books).

During Trey's naps, Hope and Eden look for things to do. On the day this photo was taken, they wanted to build a fort fit for hibernating. The two and three layers were meant to make it pitch black (for effective hibernation). Hope decided it was too hot to hibernate. This past week, both girls have spent most of their time with the 7 puppies next door.

Eden is next to one of our new Aloe Vera plants that we planted in our backyard (they call them all 'gardens' here). They are both doing fine.

School starts Tuesday for the girls. They both can't wait.
Please take care.


Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Yea school! Oh, I hope it goes well for your girls.

Great pictures! Thank you for sharing them. How hilarious to see Trey napping with his books. He's such a Nitza!

ly, cm

alice said...

You should send in the pic of Trey to Lonely Planet!

Tell the girls good luck with school. Will we see photos of them in their school uniforms?

Your aloe plant looks in much better shape than my balcony plants. huh -- must be the African sun as opposed to the Chicago pollution. ;)

Angie said...

Oh my gosh! Thanks for the pics! Will the missing of you guys neve end?! No never!!!! Until you're home of course. But the pictures help. Love you sooooooooooo MUCH! Happiness to the girls as they start school. Did I happen to mention we miss you all sooooooooooo MUCH!? Peace and Purple Love to you all! Eden and Hope and Trey we love you soooooooooo MUCH!

Will said...

That is it! I am coming to get the kids. I gave you some slack and now you have hung yourself with it. I might show up in a UPS box. Flights to much!

terry said...

what sweet pictures...hope the first week of school went well and the kids have lots of are Ted and Amy holding up? Miss you. Take Care, Terry