Sunday, August 17, 2008

We Finally Got Some Pictures Uploaded!!

We have tried since we got here to upload pictures and this is the first time it has worked. Ted tinkered with the router, which seems to have sped things up a bit. Plus we are trying it on Sunday afternoon, when perhaps the volume of "traffic" is slow. It is still taking about 10 minutes per picture, so we are going to have to pace ourselves. But, here are a few to get us started. From top to bottom:
1) Ted standing in our front courtyard area by the front door. He is feeling proud of himself for having rinsed some clothes by hand and hung them to dry. Sadly, that little sink has a huge leak, so our cleaning lady, Catha Bigboy, washes most of our laundry by hand in the bathtub.

2) Trey examining the new landscaping in the back yard. Ted and the kids put in the whole rocked area around the trees.
3) The kids working on the backyard landscaping. They got the plants from Mokolodi (same place as our first game drive), which has a nursery that specializes in sustainable, native, drought-resistant plants. The girls have had fun discovering the joys of aloe straight from the plant.


alice said...

Thanks for the pics -- these are great! wow, totally different landscape than the Midwest, eh? More like the natural state (i.e., pre-irrigation) in the Southwest.

Nitza Family said...

Your right about the landscape. It is very dry and dusty; not a drop of rain since we got here. On the upside, I (Ted) have not had to even think about mowing. A rake and pruners are all we need. As an urban development project, I have instituted/invented irrigation at our plot/flat. My laundry picture shows a purple bucket. Fill/pour/repeat. Of course, I am likely disturbing the natural arid balance of things...