Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Post by Eden

For our unit of inquiry on plants and the ecosystem, we took a field trip to Mokolodi Game Reserve for two days and one night. I only took one small bag; one girl took six. All the 5ht grade girls slept in one big dorm. I slept on a bottom bunk.

The first thing we did was see some snakes. I was sitting so close that the man asked me why I was not scared of snakes. I was one of only three girls that were not scared of them. I asked if we could hold them. The man said "weird girl" to me. I loved holding them. We learned that they have almost the same organs that we do. I asked if we could disect one, and everyone laughed.

While we were out, a warthog got into our dorm. It ate one person's bag of marshmallows. I couldn't find my water bottle after that either. I had no water for the nature hike up the mountain. It was fun though because we got really close to the elephants. At night we thought some of the girls were teasing us by saying "whooo" to everyone. It kept on going on and on and people were screaming. In the morning one of the teachers told us it was probably a barn owl. Everyone laughed.

At the game drive we saw most of the animals they have: eland, impala, giraffe, blue wildebeest, waterbuck, red hartebeest, and lots of ostrich. I really wish we could do it again.

During our free time, we went to the pool. It is very hard to fit 44 kids in a 10 ft. by 4 ft. pool. We really didn't have room to swim, we just stood there laughing. We still did cannonballs and had fun landing on each other.


The female dog next door gave birth to 8 puppies. They were born a week or so before we arrived here. Hope and I adored them. We would go to the owner's house sometimes and hold them. Their little eyes just stared at us. We gave them names: Pugface, Dark One, Blondie, Little One (the runt), Little Man, Light Spot, Wrinkles, and Maple. Five were females, 3 were males. They seemed like our only friends when we first got here. The owners didn't feed them and kept them outside at all times. We would feed them all our table scraps by throwing them over the fence. I worried about them a lot. I pulled one tick from Little One's ear. They were so thin you could count their ribs sometimes. Just a couple weeks ago we went out of town and when we got back all of them were gone except one, Dark One. He is still the only one there. I miss the others a lot and I wish I could play with them when I am bored.

That is all I have to say.


terry said...

I bet those puppies loved you! what an exciting overnight field slumber parties in Fort Wayne will seem tame! Terry

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Eden - hmmm...why isn't it weird that some girls don't want to hold the snakes? I think you are fabulous.

Your nature hike sounds really cool! But, I am bummed that you didn't have any water.

Thank you for telling us about your field trip.


alice said...

Eden, I don't think you've ever been afraid of snakes. And I know this because you made me pet one!

When you were younger, you visited Chicago with your mom and dad. While your dad was at a conference, your mom and I took you to visit the nature museum -- you may remember the butterfly room. Anyway, we saw one of the curators handling a snake and without any fear you walked directly up to the snake and touched it while chatting with the curator. I was a bit reluctant to get that close to a snake, so you turned around, grabbed my hand and helped me pet the snake so I could feel how dry the skin actually was. It was a first for me.

However, I still think I prefer the butterfly room, though. :)