Now, a more serious intro: Robben Island is just off the coast of Cape Town, in an Alkatraz-like manner. It has been home to a number of different types of things, most of them not good. The most famous is the prison where the apartheid govt. of South Africa imprisoned leaders and activists of the African National Congress. The most famous of these is of course Nelson Mandela. He spent 27 (or so) years there. The boat ride to the island is about 45 minutes long. We were on one of the boats they actually used to use to haul prisoners back and forth. After arriving, they take you on a quick bus ride around the whole island. You see the prison from the outside, as well as the mines where the prisoners worked. They worked digging limestone out of the side of a big hole every day. They were not allowed sunglasses, and the stone was so bright it was hard to look at for just a few minutes. Needless to say, it ruined the eyesight of many of the men, including Mandela.
Below is one of the more moving scenes from the island. Some years back, Mandela and many of the former "residents" of the island went back for a reunion of sorts. When they visited the mine, Mandela took a stone and dropped it on the ground, followed by the others. A makeshift memorial to so many years of pain and suffering.
All of the ANC leadership, including Mandela of course, were kept separate from the rank & file ANC members, in a (futile) effort to keep the ANC from continuing its work from inside the prison. Our guide said he saw Mandela once in the prison, and talked about how gracious Mandela was, he asked how our guide was doing and seeming genuinely concerned. Below is Mandela's cell - an individual cell in the maximum secuirty section of the prison. Unfortunately, you just had to file through and look at it quickly - not a lot of time to stand and reflect on it.
Below is the last room of the tour. Previously, it was the Study Room and Guard station for the Maximum Security portion of the prison. Mandela was able to write letters and read in this area for an hour a day during his confinement. It is now used to allow visitors to ask questions before the boat ride back.
Teddy I guess you should feel right at home with those penguins! LOL, brings back memories of our younger days.
Sounds like you guys are having an amazing time. Jackson, Dan, and I enjoy reading about your adventure.
It is amazing what people can do under such adverse circumstances...thanks for the pictures and narrative...Terry
Lyra says we are having lots of fun with Sissy around. Eden, she is already good with the search and rescue training because whenever you lay down she will come up and lick your face like crazy. I wish we could see you. I bet the penguin you guys saw was really cute. Eden, how do you like 6th grade and Hope, how do you like 1st grade? Trey, I bet you look a lot taller and different than when I saw you last. How is preschool? By the way, Chet's new favorite animal is a penguin. Eden, I really really miss you.
Chet says I really miss all of you. I love all of you. I really wish you could be here all of you. I really like penguins and I think the penguin you saw was a penguin that likes warm weather more than cold. Chet (well really all of US) is glad Hope got her cast off. Chet says Sissy is the best dog we could ever have. Bye Hope!
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