Sunday, February 15, 2009

Trey's World

A Ted Post:

Trey is now 3 1/2 years old. When we arrived in Botswana, he was still struggling to tell us in words about his world. Now, I often call him a chatter-box. He uses words like 'actually', 'tremendous' and phrases like, "Lets think about it." and "That is not a good idea". The last one usually right after we tell him to go to bed.

At his nursery school, they usually do a couple of pictures to take home. We have an entire wall full of his art. When I picked him up the other day, I was especially interested in his most recent work (above). Keep in mind that for over six months now, all of our laundry is done by hand in the bathtub. When I asked him what he had just colored, he answered:

"Its a TV, Dad!".
Amy and I looked at each other in confusion for a moment, then realized the kid probably has no memory, mental image, or word for something called "washing machine".


alice said...

So your return to the States will be a return to familiarity for all but Trey. For him, it'll be another adventure! Pretty cool.

btw, he has great crayon control. In kindergarten I was still coloring way outside of the lines.

terry said...

I am going to buy a new washing machine as soon as I can afford one, do you think I can get one like Trey's? It would be even better if it was a TV instead (oh, mine broke on Christmas Day, I already got one...but the washing machine is due to quit on me any day...)I am so glad he is talking and coloring away...Terry

Angie said...

We sure do miss Trey! It will be shocking to see how much he's gorwn and changed. How much all of them have.