We promise to post a longer description of our weekend soon, but for now - enough to let you know we are alive.
We (Ted and Todd) wanted to see this :
The Park Manager was very friendly. One of us (not Ted or Todd) explained that there was 'some concern about lions'. His response was, "then why did you come here??". He was not a big help.
But all we really saw was this:
We survived and had a great time. more later....
I am very glad to see this post. Welcome back.
How were the sunsets? What animals did you see?
P.S. The last picture looks like grass not sand -- did you end up in the Kalahari Prairie perhaps? ;)
Amy- so glad to finally get on your blog--- how incredibly amazing!! Love the camping story-- I did not realize you were so brave-- camping with the possiblity of lions!! Think I would have slept in the truck. I will show pics to Abbey when she gets home. She still remembers Eden. Need your email address so we can keep in better contact. Take care. Melissa
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