Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Ted post: We had a visitor to our flat last week.

It was about 9am and we were getting ready to go on with our day. School was out (Botswana Independance Day) and we were planning errands and other shopping to get ready for the arrival of Amy's mom.

We imagine the Vervet Monkey came from the nearby riverbed. We have noticed a monkey along the roadway nearby the past couple of days. Otherwise, our neighborhood is very urban and it is hard to imagine the monkey surviving long.

It began its visit by raiding our mulberry tree. Eden and Hope enjoy picking several berries a day and so do the birds. Our monkey visitor started by sitting in the tree for several minute and taking all the good ones. Then it saw the apples and oranges on the ledge. It scampered across our backyard (over the Aloe Veras we planted) and up to the ledge. It quickly tossed aside the oranges and spent the rest of the time eating apples. We all watched from the backdoor until he left. Here are our other thoughts:

Amy thought its backhair looked like a nice shawl.
Ted wanted to know if it could do the dishes.
Eden feared the monkey would eat the puppies (8) next door.
Hope was amazed at the length of the tail (see below picture).
Trey waved hi.

We also have some video and we hope to post that footage later.

Happy Botswana Independance Day (October 1). Botswana turned 44 years old.


alice said...

Interesting neighbors you have. :) Did it chatter at all? Or just silently steal all the fruit.

Nitza Family said...

No chatter. Just quiet chomping of fruit. It seemed very nervous of the two dogs to either side yard. Although the puppies were silent, the adult dogs would not give the monkey a break.

Unknown said...

Trey is my kind of guy!